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Young Leaders


DIGICITOLUTION: Metamorphosizing human technological existence via the infusion of digital therapy.


WHAT IS the meaning of SRT?

SRT means Students Righting Technology

This is an organization spearheaded by the SDCSS Young Leaders group 2015 which focuses on helping students at the primary and secondary school levels within the parish of St. David’s to reform their attitude towards technology; to move away from the misuse and abuse of technology to the responsible and meaningful use of technology to enhance the present lives and set the foundation for their future existence within their homes, schools, communities and by extension their country.

What is the aim of SRT?

The main objective is to assist with the transformation and rehabilitation of young minds, as to the many positive ways by which they can use technology positively to aid meaningful personal, familial, school, community and national development. It is the hope of the SDCSS young leaders that the activities engaged in by members of this club will command the desire to plot the way for the correct use of technology.

Longevity of SRT

This organization begins within the parish of St. David which is the home parish to the SDCSS young leaders. As the saying goes charity begins at home; hence the club is initiated at home. After the club has experienced at least one term of existence and is firmly grounded and so be able to function with less dependence on the SDCSS young Leaders group; the establishment of the club will then kick off in the parishes of St. Andrew and St. George. By then club members of the existing clubs can assist in propelling this drive which will be easier as they would have had a time for ‘seasoning’ as it relates to the goals of the SRT. After this another two parishes will be addressed until this venture reaches the sister Isles of Carriacou and Petit Martinique.

Implementation of the SRT

The SDCSS young leaders will inform schools about the organization and guide them into the registration of members (15 + members). The young Leaders of SDCSS will maintain frequent communication to assist schools with establishing an executive for the club in the various schools. A list of suggested activities for the club will also be presented to schools. The SDCSS young Leaders will collect club membership information for each school along with contact information that will enable club members; particularly the executive to be reached via any available medium of technology. E.g. Email, whatsapp.

Accountability of the SRT club

Each club is expected to keep records of club membership, activities and projects. The committee on the SDCSS Young Leaders group with responsibility for overseeing the SRT will make weekly communications and assist in any way as necessitated by these clubs.


WHAT IS the meaning of PRT?

PRT means Students Righting Technology

This is an organization spearheaded by the SDCSS Young Leaders group 2015 which focuses on helping parents  within the parish of St. David’s to reform their attitude towards technology; to move away from the misuse and abuse of technology to the responsible and meaningful use of technology, and to act as a guide for children within the home, school, communities and by extension the country.

What is the aim of PRT?

The main objective is to assist with the transformation and rehabilitation of young minds, as to the many positive ways by which they can use technology positively to aid meaningful personal, familial, school, community and national development. It is the hope of the SDCSS young leaders that the parents within this club will constantly guide and monitor the technological behaviours of their children and family members to assist with remedying and ploting the way for the correct use of technology.

Longevity of SRT

This organization begins within the parish of St. David which is the home parish to the SDCSS young leaders. As the saying goes charity begins at home; hence the club is initiated at home. After the club has experienced at least one term of existence and is firmly grounded and so be able to function with less dependence on the SDCSS young Leaders group; the establishment of the club will then kick off in the parishes of St. Andrew and St. George. By then club members of the existing clubs can assist in propelling this drive which will be easier as they would have had a time for ‘seasoning’ as it relates to the goals of the PRT. After this another two parishes will be addressed until this venture reaches the sister Isles of Carriacou and Petit Martinique.




Popularly, e-commerce is thought of as conducting business over the Internet.  To put it all in perspective, lets address “commerce” first.

The Elements of Commerce - When you get down to the actual elements of commerce and commercial transactions, the details boil down to a finite number of steps:

–Product or service

–Place from which to sell


–Accept orders

–Accept payment

–Fill orders

–Accept returns

–Customer service


Suitable policies and incentives are two challenges which needs to be addressed if farmers are expected to put out their best. At the same time those who do put out their best have issues/challenges with marketing the product.

Although our research has shown that there has been an attempt to help farmers market their produce; the majority of farmers have not been part of any such initiative.

With the influx of technology it is fitting to use a medium of communication that is totally viral, easily accessible, unique and cost effective. Hence ecommerce.



Change should occur gradually but at all levels: teachers, students and administration. To be truly motivational, it must take into account all the players and their new ideas.” – Marilo Martinez

Digital citizenship is usually defined as the "norms of behavior with regard to technology use." It encompasses digital literacy, ethics, etiquette, online safety, norms, rights, culture and more. Microsoft recognizes that good digital citizenship, when you use computers, gaming consoles, or mobile devices, promotes a safer online environment for all.

Managing your online behavior and monitoring your reputation are important elements of good digital citizenship. Microsoft recently surveyed teen and parental attitudes, awareness of, and behaviors toward managing their online reputations.

Teens share considerably more information online than their parents and, as a result, expose themselves to more risk; they also feel more in control of their online reputations.

Teens believe the benefits of sharing information online outweigh the risks, with the exception of sharing a physical location.


Lecture discussions on digital citizenship and responsibility were held with the young leaders and entire student body to sensitize and explore the RBTT theme to come up with the best possible activities to execute same.



Digital Citizenship and BYOD

BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device. It is an approach to technology integration that requires the user to bring their own device to school. The device ranges from a connected and enabled smartphone, to an iPad to a laptop. Most programs have specifications that are put in place to facilitate the connection and workflow processes.

Financial- The concept of BYOD (Bring your own device) works for me on a number of levels. From an administrative and financial aspect, BYOD makes sense. You don’t have to provide the students with either laptops, leases or access to machines the cost savings is potentially substantial. You do still have to provide the students with network & internet access but that’s something that most schools do anyway.
Responsibility -. The students are responsible for caring for their own device and insuring it. Interesting the student DOES take much better care of their own machines compared to one leased from or provided by the school. The students also make more use of their BYOD too. It’s their device and they have customized it to suit themselves.
Access to software- One of the issues people do raise is the distribution and access to materials; this too can be easily solved. By specifying the file format rather than the product students can use any operating system or hardware. This suits different preferences and different budgets.
Connection has been streamlined and uses some great technology that allows the students to register the devices using for example the mac address and then access the network via a login.
These are the easily solved bits of a BYOD program and the easy advantages.


Students at the SDCSS will bring their devices which will be registered and their appropriate use will be monitored. Networks would be available to students as is deemed appropriate for particular classes and research. A list of sites considered to be negative and inappropriate would be banned from student access.

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